Protection A Gun Can’t Give You.

So, you own a firearm, attended some classes on firearm safety, and even a few personal protection or CCW firearm courses. You go to the range several times a year to maintain your proficiency. You consider yourself a responsible gun owner and generally a situationally aware individual. To protect your family you have a security system in your home, your firearms are kept in a safe, a first-aid kit in your vehicle, in public you keep your family close, you sit where you can see the door and are aware to see who is in the room, you’ve covered all the bases right. Well maybe not.

Are you protecting your family assets if you are involved in a self-defense situation with or without the use of a firearm? Just because you not changed in criminal court does not mean you will not have civil suit filed against you and your assets.

You need CCW insurance, this insurance typically provides coverage for your legal representation and defense in the event that you’re subject to a criminal investigation (which is common following a self-defense incident). Such policies may also provide coverage for your defense in civil court proceedings stemming from the self-defense act. There are several good CCW insurance companies to choose from. Me personally, I have USCCA, they are one of the leaders in industry and have one of the best reputations in the business.

There are few considerations you should consider when choosing CCW insurance coverage should include:

Most CCW insurance providers offer different levels of coverage based on the client’s personal needs. The average policy cost less than one typical car payment, coverage for a full year. Policy amounts vary, so do some research.

Be Safe, Be Prepared Be Protected.

Cameron Bucy PPS: Director of Operation of Security Defense Solutions and Associates

For more information about USCCA contact

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